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Cloud Service models

Cloud computing service models outline how cloud resources are delivered to businesses and who manages what between the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and the Cloud Service Consumer (CSC). Each model offers a different balance of control and convenience, so understanding them can help your organization choose the right one for your needs.

On-Premises (The Traditional Approach)

In the on-premises model, all infrastructure, software, and data are hosted and managed entirely within your organization. This approach gives you full control but also means you're responsible for everything—from physical hardware to applications. While this can offer maximum security and customization, it requires significant investment in hardware, maintenance, and IT expertise.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS provides the basic building blocks for your IT environment. Think of it as virtualized servers, storage, and networking provided by the CSP.

Who Manages What?

  • CSP (Cloud Serivce Provider): Manages the physical hardware, networking, and virtualization.
  • CSC (Cloud Service Customer) (Your Team): Responsible for installing and managing operating systems, applications, and data.

IaaS is ideal for businesses that need flexibility and control over their IT systems but don’t want the burden of managing physical infrastructure. It’s scalable and cost-effective for companies that experience fluctuating demand.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS provides a full development environment, including operating systems, databases, and development tools. It allows developers to focus on building and deploying applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Who Manages What?

  • CSP (Cloud Serivce Provider): Handles hardware, networking, operating systems, and the platform itself.
  • CSC (Cloud Service Customer) CSC: Focuses on developing and managing applications and data.

PaaS simplifies the development process and speeds up time-to-market for applications. It’s a great option for businesses that prioritize innovation and want to reduce the complexity of managing IT infrastructure.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS delivers ready-to-use software applications over the internet. Users access these applications via a web browser or mobile app, eliminating the need for installation or maintenance.

Who Manages What?

  • CSP (Cloud Serivce Provider): Takes care of everything, from the infrastructure to the application itself.
  • CSC (Cloud Service Customer) Simply uses the application and manages user data.

SaaS is the easiest way to use software. It’s cost-effective, easy to scale, and perfect for non-technical teams that want reliable tools without the hassle of maintenance.

Comparing the Service Models

Information and DataCSCCSCCSCCSC
Devices (Mobile and PCs)CSCCSCCSCCSC
Accounts & IdentitiesCSCCSCCSCCSC
Identity & directory infrastructureSRSECSCCSC
Network ControlsCSPSRCSCCSC
Operating SystemCSPCSPCSCCSC
Physical NetworkCSPCSPCSPCSC
Physical DatacenterCSPCSPCSPCSC

CSC - Cloud Service Customer
CSP - Cloud Service Provicer
SR - Shared Responsibility